Is it normal for a 10months baby to drink only 100ml every 3hrs? Is it too little? Solids will be 2-3 times and each time 2-3 table spoon.

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Babies aged 9-12 months general take in 24-31 oz (about 700-900ml) of formula. From your description, baby is drinking about 800 ml a day, which is well within the range. As for the solids, baby will eat the amount that is just right for baby so if baby eats just enough and does not show signs of discomfort after, I reckon it's okay. Make sure the solid foods given are substantial and packed with the necessary vitamins and nutrients :)

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As long as your baby is having enough wet/soiled diaper changed daily. This will be a good guideline to see if your baby is drinking enough. Different baby has different level of demand for milk/food. If your baby appear satisfied after each feed they should not be any reason for concern. However, if you are worried you can always visit a doctor to check if your baby is in the acceptable/healthy percentile

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Is your baby taking any extra liquids or filling up on anything else? Juice, snacks etc? As long as this isn't so, then your baby will eat and drink the right amount they need - as little as ithe is. I would suggest offering the milk first and then the food. Your baby would still be getting all his or her nutritional needs from milk so it's more important that you offer that before the solids.

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The amount of milk that ur baby is drinking, is within the range. Try to increase both quality & quantity of solids. Include fruits & veggies too. My son is 11months old, I feed him 4times a day & quantity is around 10spoons or even more. Try different recipes & let him taste different varieties so that the baby will love to eat. Try baby led weaning and let him involve.

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every baby is diff. my 2 gals small eater. my boy big eater. #1 never pass 200ml per feed even when she was 4 yo. my boy is drink 300ml since 2 yo till now 5yo. my #3 i m latching her. as long she pee n poo normal. I feel is ok.

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my girl also drinks so little. when I am at work.. she only drinks 300ml throughout the whole day and only 1x of puree.. however she dun poo everyday. like once every 4 days? is it of a concern?

My LO is 9 months old and also drinking only 100ml. PD said its ok as long as LO is following the growth curve well.