How often do you buy new utensils for your house?

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Whenever it wears out/gets dented
When there is a sale!
When I see beautiful utensil sets
Others (please comment)
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Hmmm whenever there’s sale! Cutleries are quite hardy so I Guess it’s more to the design then we’ll purchase if not what we have is good enough
Most occassion when it's dented. Unless if I see something with good price and looks pretty online,i'll get it
It is mostly when I see something new and beautiful to complete my kitchen set
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Whenever there is a need. but if there is good promotion sale I buy too.
VIP Member
Dknt see the need to keep buying if current utensils are still ok
Slow retail wins here for me, only once the old ones are broken
Don’t waste money, replace only when bad wear and tear :)
When the current sets begin to look like heirloom.
Sometimes when there’s sale it is even better
I choose specific items to buy during sale