What cream or moisturiser for his rash or ezcema not so sure what is this?

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What cream or moisturiser for his rash or ezcema not so sure what is this?
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do the spots of rashes feel rough, bumpy? do the spots worsened, seemed redder when ur baby sweats? if yes, then likely its eczema. my son has eczema since he was a baby. now he's 2.5 and still shows up occasionally, especially if he sweated lots. we did bring him to a doctor, but pretty useless. gave us QV cream and offered some light steroid cream which we rejected. we tried all sorts of cream, all the brands you can think of and end up stuck with Chicco Face Cream. we apply it religiously on our boy, day and night and it works 👍🏼

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3y ago

haha.. I also felt the same way with the doctors - pretty useless. end of the day, I saw one post here about using calendula cream. it's the holy grail for my baby's face! she doesn't have any rashes up to now!