My baby is only 2 months old. The doctor says she has infant eczema around her neck area. She has chubby cheeks and lots of layer at her neck. After applying starch powder on her neck , the collar of the romper will turn yellow and will have a sticky layer at the neck and a bad smell. What should I do to make her feel better? Will things get better? I'm super worried.

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If you're feeding breastmilk, it could be the food which you take that causes the flare up. Do see a PD to determine the cause of the eczema. What you can do for your baby is also to embark on an elimination diet. Baby may be sensitive to milk, gluten, peanuts, etc. As for the exterior, do keep the area dry and free from soap. The California Baby Calendula cream has worked for many mums to keep eczema under control.

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