5 Replies

I’m 39+4! This is what I did daily from 30th Jan: miles circuit daily, eat 7 Medjool dates , hip rotations on yoga ball & meditation for natural induction twice a day. Started pumping yesterday, and also did prenatal massage. Eat very spicy food. No signs of labour.

Some said miles circuit work, but why do you need a c section would be the biggest question coz if it’s medical related then we’re all no expert.

My sister’s gynae said climbing stairs help to induce labour. But I have not tried it myself.

rasberry tea or rasberry leaf tea? It’d be rasberry leaf tea that can induce labor?

Hi yes it’s the raspberry leaf tea. The one that have “Pregnancy Tea” shown on the box.

Actually you can consider induced labour instead of c sect?

Hi! Thank you for your response! As per doctor’s advice, I can’t be medically induce due to the 1st pregnancy was a c-section. There’s a risk of scar raptured.

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