My baby's jaundice started high 200+ and slowly decreased, but it didn't decrease within the time frame that they gave us, so in the end baby had to be pricked for blood twice until his jaundice level went below 100. What we ensured was that he drank milk regularly so that he would poop and pee the jaundice out. Mil went to the sinseh shop to get the thing that helps bring down jaundice (not sure what it's called in eng or chi, but she calls it buah batik in malay). We didn't sun him often, but we did bring him around for walks. Hope your baby's jaundice level gets better soon!
Can’t advice much on your questions but Some morning sun will be good. My mum always move the baby crib towards the window in the mornings to have some sunlight for the 1st 3 weeks when my mum notice my baby’s skin colour was a getting a little yellowish. Then on the 4th week she will carry the baby to the park/outdoors in the morning for a short walk, for some exposure to the sun. In the end my baby does not have jaundice. Better consult PD if you have concern.
It varies between babies on the duration to clear jaundice.. but do wake baby up to drink milk. Would recommend to go with doc advices
best to follow recommendations from the professionals at polyclinic or kkh