Whats your fetus weight at week 35?🙂
Mummy, whatz ur fetus weight at week 35?

Mine was 3.1kg at 36 weeks. Doc said it is within normal range. Of course I was a little bit worried cause most babies are lower than that. But it is just an estimated weight. I’m due in 2 weeks (19 Oct) and hoping baby doesn’t get too big for a normal delivery. Listen to your doc. Update: Delivered on 19 Oct 2020 via emergency c-sect to a healthy baby girl weighing 3.7kg. Was admitted the night before due to contractions but baby’s head was not engage for a normal delivery. Water bag broke at 11pm in delivery suite. Gave birth the next morning at 1049hrs.
Read moreMine was 2.4kg at 35w6d, I'll be due next Tues and last check up was 3.2kg at 38w6d! Gynae mentioned normal for me and growing well within range.
2.2kg at 35 weeks. dr told that baby's weight was light but within range. now i trying to eat more durian and avocado
2.3kg at 35 weeks! i was over 3.5kg when i was born but hoping my baby doesn't get as big... 😅
was told 3.5kg at 35 weeks. gave birth at 36 weeks baby weight 3.2kg
second born during 35 weeks was 3.3 came out at 39weeks 3.75kg
34w 6days at 2.25kg Doc said within range and bones on the lighter side, like me.
2.6kg 35weeks and 2 days
last checked at 32weeks was 2.8kg. doc said baby a bit on a larger side.
36 weeks you gave birth is it normal?