Taking care of baby alone

Any mummy taking care of newborn alone at home with no help? How do you cope?

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Super Mum

Yes, during maternity leave and husband at work during the day. I use a carrier to carry baby so i can do other stuff. I started using haakaa to collect milk while direct latching baby too instead of pumping every 3 hours.

5y ago

Have you seen a lactation consultant to help with a good latch? I had trouble baby wearing initially too but after a few tries she was ok, and she falls asleep easier when in the carrier since then

VIP Member

I try to read up on sleep training and ensure a schedule so it’s easier for me to look forward to a break. If possible, I go to nearby for a breather with baby, Jiayou!

5y ago

If your baby is too young like less than 3 months, it’s quite hard to sleep train. But I do think that babies like to follow. a routine. To get your baby to nap, make sure your baby is not over or under tired. Your baby also needs to be fed, burped and swaddled. Ensure that the room is not too hot. Switch on white noise and see if your baby can sleep.