Restricted blood flow in umbilical cord
Any mummy experienced this before? Doc said the blood flow in the umbilical cord is slow and sorta restricted hence baby abit too small in size for 20weeks. Not sure the reason but further testing has been done. Im waiting for that results. Meantime, I’m not sure what i can do.. kinda worried!

Hi dear! i had the same issue with my 1st born. Found out that he had restricted blood flow at 20w which caused a restricted growth hence baby was relatively small. Carried him till 29w, gave birth to a 390g baby which is severely premature. Had him in NICU for 4days but sadly he passed on. There are some cases baby survived despite being smaller than usual. Yes i heard aspirin may help if you take it earlier. The best thing to do now is pray hard and hope for the best for baby's growth❤️
Read moreI was tested for pre eclampsia and had to take aspirin throughout my pregnancy. I was told that my blood flow was slow and baby might face issues like lack of nutrition etc. so the aspirin can help with the blood flow. After taking the aspirin, doctor said the blood flow has improved. Did your doctor asked you to take any pre-eclampsia test?
Read moreI guess now you can only pray hard and hope for the best! Stay strong and all the best 💪💪💪
I took aspirin in trimester 2 as well. I think you should consult your gynae for advice.
My first pregnancy was like this. Doc gave me aspirin until 36 weeks. My Baby came out ok.
hi you can try to ask if its still ok to take.
Hi. Facing the same. How was the results and How's the baby doing now?
Hi I’m at 29weeks and sadly still the same. As im there is still some resistance in the flow but still got abit of flow. Baby is growing but very very slowly hence baby is smaller than and average 7months baby should be. Tried so many things already but not much improvement so idk what to do apart from just praying that all goes well in the end.
God bless you, mum.. Take care..