1 Replies

hi there, for me I suck on lemon slices and sour gummies when I feel very nauseated. I also notice that I cannot stand the sight of meat and piping hot food with strong smells so I only was able to eat toast, plain biscuits, bread. Cold milk with cereals is what I felt like I could eat on most days.. try identifying food that doesn't sound appealing to you and avoid them.. my gynae mention that first trimester weight loss is quite common due to morning sickness and mention that I can eat whatever I want as long as its not "dangerous" food for preggies. I did request for anti nausea pills and was prescribed diclectin. It only helps a little but I was still nauseated during parts of the day. You can request from your gynae if needed! take care!! hope we will feel better soon.. :)

thank you!

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