Excited about the gender

Hi, mummies when is the best weeks to know about the gender of the baby? And what is the first sign of having a baby girl? I heard they can predict by the heart rate? Is it true? And they said If it's over 140 bpm, you're having a baby girl. Below 140 bpm, you're carrying a boy. I was on 12 weeks pregnant that time they check the heartbeat of my baby was 137bpm.

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The heartbeat not very accurate cos it regulate/changes when the bb grows. My gynae can see from ultrasound at around 16 weeks to see the gender (but not confirmed type). However the most early is doing NIPT which I know the gender at week 12

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If its a boy, can be v obvious from ultrasound scan at 16 weeks already.

16 weeks for blood test can tell already.