Wipes & detergent
Hello mummies, what wet wipes & laundry detergent do you use for newborns?

soonsu wet wipes is the cheapest. texture wise depends on preference - wherethe u like it thick or thin. laundry detergent have powder and liquid. i used abd powder detergent as its more budget friendly.
Cloversoft seems to have good review and they are currently running baby fair online promotion. You can check it out here. https://cloversoftandco.com/baby-fair/
wet wipes - jeju wet wipes detergent- bio home delicate (loves it very much especially cleaning up baby's poo stain and milk stain smell wash off easily)
Wet wipes i used Pureen as it smells nice and i like the tissue texture. For laundry detergent i used Kodomo. The best 👍🏻
Any wet wipes you find in online shopping with a lot of good reviews will do, $1+ per pack. Don't need expensive wipes.
Using dr Dudu’s pure water wipes! Good for face or private area too 👍🏻

Hi Pigeon wet wipes and kodomo nature care laundry wash for newborn.
Huggies wet wipes slightly expensive but good for baby skins.
Jeju wet wipes & Nature Love mere Laundry Detergent
Soonsu story wipes and kodomo newborn detergent
IG @nichellennx_ , mama of 1