Stomach discomfort at 38 weeks
Hi mummies, just wandering, at 38 weeks now and sudden cramping and feeling like pooping but cannot and it’s not constipation or diarrhoea - just stomach discomfort. Is this a sign of labour and should I go to the delivery suite? No bleeding etc.

If anything, do call the hospital to inform them of your condition and heed their advice. If you're not in an active labour, you'll be asked to go home. Monitor the cramps. Does it come frequently? If it's too frequent say about 5-10 mins, and obvious sign is when you do anything, change position, sit, lie down but the cramps is still there, you're having a contractions. If the cramps go away when you change position, drink water and all, it's just braxton hicks. But best to call the hospital first in any case you need to come down, they'll be all prepared for your arrival.
Read moreHey there Start monitoring the cramps. Does it come and go? Intervals between contractions are regular and gets shorter and more intense? If yes, you should get ready to go to the hospital.