3 Replies

If you’re using the pull out tray kind, can remove and wash (very mafan). However I have tenants, myself and baby so we all used 7 different detergents (I rotate 3 for myself based on mood) which probably still has leftovers in the tray (No storing of detergent in the cap compartment, only pour what you need in the open compartment). As long as your baby’s skin no issues, then no need to worry. My baby is 19mo, no issues as well. If you’re worried, can switch your own detergent to baby’s detergent or use capsules for yours then liquid for baby. 😊

My baby is ok so far when I wash his clothes aft washing adults' clothes. Depends on how sensitive ur kid's skin is I guess. Sometimes my hubby accidentally put baby's clothes in the washing machine and he washes them tgt with ours using normal detergent and our boy was still fine. He never had any rashes whatsoever. and now he's over 2 years old, to save time we sometimes wash his childcare uniform with ours. Of course in the first 3 months if u want to avoid any problem, u may want to regularly clean ur washing machine.

I use washing machine. Not sure if there is leftover detergent but i will just use my ger’s detergent to wash hers. I mean tats what we do even when she was younger

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