Any mummies up at this timing? My LO having growth spout now.. not sleeping... keep wanting to eat.. and his eyes wide open..???

Try to feed baby more regularly in the day, that will fill his tank as well to help minimize his night feeds. There may also be other reasons, its all a stage. Sometimes there aint a reason to why they wake up as well. My boy has a good routine. Lately he started waking up between 3 to 5am for no reason. I try to soothe him back and if he cant sleep. Ill keep it dark and quiet and carry him for a while. Shortly after, he goes back to sleep. Takes me on average about 45mins.
Read moreOoh how old is your baby? When they are younger they tend to want to have buffet at night. But actually babies don't need to eat at night in order to grow especially after 3mo. Could it be he did not eat enough in the day?or he woke up because of other reasons? Try to see if you can soothe him back to sleep. For me I use a pacifier when she wakes at night and sometimes she will go back to sleep on her own
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