Baby turns 6 months on the day he gg IFC - start solid

Hi mummies that have babies in IFC before 6 months. I am lost and confuse about starting solid altho my baby is only few months old but would like to know in advanced. My baby’s teacher told us to try give baby oats + hot water once he turn exactly 6 months to check for allergy as theyll be giving babies that for breakfast. However im curious. When starting solid, assuming baby only starts at 6 months(altho i know some start early), what if on the day he turns 6 months is the day he’s going schooling/IFC. How do i go about this?

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Hi mummy! My first went to IFC at 2 months. You should be able to delay, however 6 month is pretty ok to start alr. Get those brown rice powder (according to age ) from NTUC and mix in with his or her milk powder and you should easily get your LO to start on soft solids pretty soon. This is something i did and it worked for me 😌

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Hi mummy! As a pre school teacher, it depends on the centre. Some centre start to feed solid at 6 months and some start at 7 months. But you may request with the laoshi or teacher to start giving your child solid and at the same time do feed your child solid at home too so it would be an easy transition for your child.

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I would let my baby have a few tries days before she turns 6mo. It’s just a rough gauge as our bodies won’t automatically turn “ok for solid” on the 6mo sharp.

you can always tell the teachers to not start solid in school 1st until you have already tried it at home and is comfortable for your baby to start solid in school.

I started feeding my baby cereal for breakfast at 5.5 months, only on weekends when she’s not in IFC. Then IFC started feeding her cereal at 6 months exactly.

if they are able to sit, Try to test before going school. is your child in ifc as you mention baby teacher ask you to feed but he go ifc when he turn 6 month.

alternatively, you should be able to request the IFC to delay the feeding of solids till you have done so.