Baby express be free
Hi mummies, any reviews on baby express be free? Thank you!

Definitely not the quietest pump as advertised on their product picture, more parts to wash. Aparts from that, works like a normal handsfree pump. Nothing special. The thing about handsfree pump is that you have to be careful else your you will really cry over spilled milk. Alignment must be right else your yield will be affected. When you remove from your breast, always hold the cups, don’t hold the motor.Don’t bend forward or lie backwards (I used to forget that the hole is on top……). And most importantly, don’t fall asleep lol. 😂
Read moreI don't recommend it. Troublesome to clean and dry. The cups are big and pressws onto the breast when u put them inside ur bra. This resulted in me not being able to pump everything out which lead to clog ducts and mastitis!