12 Replies
Hello, you can consider this: https://www.guardian.com.sg/us-clinicals-strong-conceive-90s/p/627400?gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQCAOJ3l8hXmrf-pq3keVSpFRizv61lhdITL7Jz5eiDlMgzxO2U-iGxoCywgQAvD_BwE Disclaimer: do read the ingredients and labels first to see if it is suitable for your consumption as I do not know if youβre allergy to any.
I used Blackmores Conceived Well Gold prior to conceiving my first and second baby. Before trying my 2nd, I did not eat any supplements and had 2 miscarriages, also likely due to work stress. Aft the last miscarriage, I decided to take the supplements again with an improved diet and conceived again with a healthy baby now.
try out profertil. me and hubby took it for ivf treatment on 2nd cycle, and am now ivf preg at 26 weeks.
i bought "profertil" for my hubby. u can check it out on shopee.
Take folic acid three months before conception
Only took folic 3 months before planning to conceive
me and my husband took as well (: week18 now
got pregnant twice while taking this.
I have done abit of research. this is the best. conceive eating this too.
took folic acid plus TCM
Take vit D too
korean ginseng
claire farisha