Best diaper pants

Mummies any recco for diaper pants? I have been using peekapoo for night use (it is so expensive for day use) We tried merries as well but LO has bad diaper rash Tried offspring, it’s ok for tape but the pants quality seems not as good as tape one Merries premium we tried, diaper rash as well for the pants version. Anyone tried rascal and friends? Some reviews said it leaks for pants version. Seems like most brands tape quality is better Fyi i change baby diaper every 2hours so it’s obv not the frequency. Sometimes it’s one hourly.

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I’ve tried r&f, it’s not as good as I expected because I feel like the area of absorption is narrower than other nappies for the pant version. Leaked for me because the nappy got just a little slanted as my LO moved quite a bit. I tried naturemade samples, seems quite plush and absorbs well. Not cheap but I like it.

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