Covid vaccination during pregnancy

Hi mummies,is pfizer vaccination really safe for pregnancy. How many weeks pregnant is safe to take the vaccine? Will there be complications for the baby? #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls

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To be honest, I felt pressurised to take the vaccination because my EDD is mid Feb 2022 and the whole household need to go out to work/run errands (even if I WFH). When the SG government announced that vaccination is safe for pregnant women from June I was only in first trimester. So I hesitated a lot but eventually went for my first dose immediately after my gynae gave me the green light. Different ppl react differently - I had a sore arm (hard to sleep on side) and felt really tired. I am also concerned on the side effects on the baby (I believe every mama is) but I weighed the fact that my pregnant body immunity is weaker than non pregnant people so I still went ahead with the jab. I took my first dose around 24w and will be going for a second one this Sunday 27w. I decided to take during 2nd tri when the baby is more stable (as compared to first tri) and decided not to take it too late into the pregnancy in 3rd tri cos I am afraid the effects may induce early labour. FTM here too. Speak to your gynae. All the best mama!!

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3y ago

Hi fellow Feb mama! Glad that your gynae actually gave you a timeline! Mine was hesitant to even say / advise anything (only kept telling me it is my choice) and only when the news came out with articles of pregnant people having covid and delivering early, my gynae then questioned me why am I not yet vaccinated and waiting for what? Just make sure you space out your whooping cough jab and covid jab to be safe (although news say both are non-live vaccine which can also be taken together). My thoughts are that one vaccine is already strong enough to cause other non pregnant to fall sick so why risk both together (some say whooping cough jab is more painful and has stronger side effects than the covid jab too!)