Covid vaccination during pregnancy
Hi mummies,is pfizer vaccination really safe for pregnancy. How many weeks pregnant is safe to take the vaccine? Will there be complications for the baby? #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls

To be honest, I felt pressurised to take the vaccination because my EDD is mid Feb 2022 and the whole household need to go out to work/run errands (even if I WFH). When the SG government announced that vaccination is safe for pregnant women from June I was only in first trimester. So I hesitated a lot but eventually went for my first dose immediately after my gynae gave me the green light. Different ppl react differently - I had a sore arm (hard to sleep on side) and felt really tired. I am also concerned on the side effects on the baby (I believe every mama is) but I weighed the fact that my pregnant body immunity is weaker than non pregnant people so I still went ahead with the jab. I took my first dose around 24w and will be going for a second one this Sunday 27w. I decided to take during 2nd tri when the baby is more stable (as compared to first tri) and decided not to take it too late into the pregnancy in 3rd tri cos I am afraid the effects may induce early labour. FTM here too. Speak to your gynae. All the best mama!!
Read moreI took W17. There's hardly any side effects, just super tired so I aim to take the vaccines on a Fri and sleep in Sat. It's been 1 month since I got my second dose, baby and me are as healthy as can be. It also reduces the stress I feel when I feel the onset of a sore throat, or when I have to meet up with people. Honestly you will worry and overthink before taking the jab, but once it's in you don't give it a second thought anymore because you don't feel any different.
Read moreI was also told the same by my gynea to space out my vaccines. 2 weeks between each vaccine also. but note that between covod and whopping cough/flu - need 21 days as covid is a little longer....
I just took my booster shot about 1 month ago. Only mild fever on the 2nd day. I just slept my way thur it, the fever went away by evening time.. Didnt even need to takw panadol. I woukd advise to take the shots especially we need to visit hospital regularly for follow up!
took mine at 36 weeks and 4 weeks postpartum. caught covid at 11 weeks postpartum. luckily was vaccinated. mild symptoms and baby was fine. I presume all the antibodies that were passed over from placenta and breastmilk are protecting my little one.
Got mine at 14weeks and 19weeks. Currently, 30weeks. Barely any side effects. Just sore arm but clears off after 2 days. Baby is growing well and healthy. And very active too. Looking forward to seeing this little human in 2 months. Ftm here too.
Second trimester can take already. Took both doses (Pfizer) at week 21 & 25. Currently week 34+5. Baby still actively moving and gynae says baby is fine. :)
I took Pfizer at 24 week and luckily I did.. coz 1 month after 2nd dose I caught Covid from my dad who passed to my mum and myself.. we all had mild symptoms
Wow. Gws to your fmly & lil tiny baby ❤️ thanks for the advice
I had mine at 16 Week. Gynae advise to take as there is lots of covid cases out there. No side effect so far. Baby is still healthy after checkup.
pls take it, covid is everywhere now and is unavoidable. Im glad i took it before contracting covid at week 29.
I took my 1st dose w26 and 2nd dose w29. just sore arm. The baby is healthy and active in kicking.