1yo schedule/routine
Hi mummies out there, can I ask what’s your 1yo routine/schedule looks like? And how many times a day does he/she drinks milk? Thanks! :)

Hi my baby has not sttn wakes very accurately 2 to 3 hourly for me. 7am - milk 7.30am - play time 8am - shower 8. 30am - snack 9am - nap 11am - 11.30am - meal time 12pm - play time 1pm - snack 1.30pm - nap 2.30pm - milk 4pm - snack 4.30pm - shower 5pm - meal time 5.30pm - nap 6.30pm - play time 7pm - snack 8.15 to 8.30pm - bottle milk and nurse to sleep. 11pm - dream feed (nurse) 2am - dream feed (nurse) 5am - dream feed (nurse)
Read moreMy LO would wake up at 8am , we will play till 9am and then bathe , have breakfast and nap around 11am . Wakes up at 1pm and lunch . Play time or ride bicycle . Snack at 3.30pm then nap at 4, wakes up at 5.30pm . Dinner at 6, bathe . Read a book , sleep at 8pm or 9 . He drinks 210ml , 3 times a day .
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