2 Replies

VIP Member

I think should be fine with the healthy tingkat if you are not too particular. Just need to take note on the things that you should avoid eating during confinement (yam, dried shrimp etc). Healthy tingkat can be shared with toddler and husband however if it’s confinement I would suggest not to because abit too heaty for them. I don’t think there will be any side effect. I’m a DL mom that had CL to prepare my confinement meals during my #1 and I will engaged confinement tingkat for #2.

Tq mummy!!!😊

I feel that confinement tingkat are over rated. You can just cook or order healthy food. I feel that the most impt thing to eat during confinement is the herbal soup (which u can prepare urself).

Tq for the suggestion 😊

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