Hahaha yes. It’s definitely the sleep that you’ll miss once baby is out. A little bit of cooing and Mama mode is on. From heavy sleeper will become light sleeper. Other than that you’ll miss baby movements for sure, all that wriggling, waves, nudging, kicking, head butting especially to the bladder.. ahhh bliss, knowing you’re a superhuman growing another human inside of you which our community of men will never know how it feels like. 🥰
Getting to sleep as much as I want because I guess I don’t get as much now. The attention I got was nice too. I get whatever I was craving for very quickly, especially from the husband. He would drive to buy all the food I wanted.
I think it will be kicks and low key also the extra attention and love I get haha. And someone else said sleep, I reckon that would be it too!
For me it’s definitely the sleep whenever I want 🥲