3 Replies

No.. never heard of such claims.. If baby wants to feed slightly earlier than actual feeding time after pooping, I can understand.. but poop = feed then no.. Even after baby poonami, I only feed maybe 30 mins-45 mins earlier if she cries and suckles my finger. Other than that, I’ll just let her play then sleep. They are not baby alive (the doll) 😰

You’re right! Thanks for the advice ❤️, will definitely do more for my baby than just to feed and sleep.

For me, I’ll probably feed baby 30 mins earlier than his usual feeding interval. I realise that Nannies likes to over feed baby. For my nanny, she gives baby a lot of milk at night when baby can’t sleep. Probably wants to milk drunk him so he can sleep longer at night.

Yes. Because we are new parents so we can’t comment much like what is right and what is wrong. Somehow we think the nannies are right because they are more experienced.

If baby eats earlier after pooping it makes sense. But not a MUST to feed after pooping coz where got digest so fast also?? Tsk!!

Yea, i was also thinking how they digest so fast. To nanny, poop means entire system empty 😅 Guess the nanny just wants to put baby to sleep, so that it’s easier. Pay so much and i get such service, angry.

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