Hi mummies! Am in my first pregnancy (week 6) and the doc told me that am carrying low which means baby is supposed to be placed generally higher but mine is lower. Any of you out there have ever experiencing the same thing as I did? Can share with me further?

Hi momma, Carrying low can be uncomfortable. Some expectant moms are built to carry low. Usually happens during 2nd or 3rd trimester. The muscles and ligaments that support the growing womb are a stretched and weakened, and can't hold up the growing womb as well as before. This is probably because your baby has dropped or lightened in preparation for being born. (Not all babies do this; some don't drop until labor starts.) The biggest problem with carrying low is that it puts pressure on your lower back. Exercises like pelvic tilts can help ease discomfort or pain it causes on your lower back. Here is a video link you might want to check. Hope this helps.
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