how to unclog milk ducts
hi mummies, i'm new to breastfeeding and i'm exclusively breastfeeding my 2 weeks old and i noticed a wedge size on my breast that is hard, painful/sore and warm to touch. I tried pumping but it doesn't works i'm also feeding my baby on demand as well 🥲

Take sunflower lecithin every 6-8 hour, and pump diligently every 2-3hours to unclog the milk ducts. Before pumping use a warm towel to apply on the area for few mins, when u pump use ur hand to gently massage the lump too. It should go away in 1-2 days time if not too serious. However, if things don’t get better after, may need to engage a lactation masseur. When u start developing fever (means mastitis already), faster see a doctor.
Read moreCould it be mastitis, have you seen a doctor? Or you can try engaging someone to do breast massages to unclog first, at the same time take sunflower lecithin.
Try to pump out every 2 hours , each time pump at least 30 mins . Or massage your breast everytime u shower . It’s could help