Baby too small. Any advice?
Hi mummies, I’m currently 33 going 34 weeks and have been told baby is a bit too light. Any tips or food to recommend to eat to make baby gain weight fast? Thank you. Appreciate all the help :(
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Maybe more vitamins and nutrition foods. Dont be like me hahaha * i was warn by doctor not to eat too much sugary or fastfood when my baby was 3.2 around week 37 or 38 🤣* so ....
try avocado.. drink more milk too :) sometimes i do avocado milkshake
Avocados and eggs! Durian is good, but it’s not so healthy.
I heard that eating durian will increase your baby weight.
VIP Member
think you can try avocado :)
Materna milk helps!
Eat durian!
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