Dr Ben Choey Or Dr Adrian Woodworth
Hi mummies, I'm choosing between this 2 gynae. Anybody can share their package charges and delivery fee? And which is better in terms of detailed check? I realise Dr Adrian's machine seems less high tech then other gynae. I went for his consultation and its v fast. Make me v gan chiong.

I went for first check up with Dr. Ben Choey, he's okay but I heard some stories regarding delivery under his care from my sis in law. Hence, i decided not to go with him. My cousin in law who recently delivered was seeing Dr. Adrian Woodworth so they mentioned that his appointments are always very fast and he doesn't talk much, especially if you have no questions to ask. I went for my second appointment with Dr. Ben Tham, and ended up signing package with him. He delivered my niece and will be delivering my second niece as well. He is always smiley and cracks jokes. He only delivers at TMC though
Read moreI used Benjamin Tham at TMC, I quite like him overall. In case you want to consider.
Mother of 1 superhero boy