Painful baby movements
Hi mummies, I’m at my 3rd trimester now and I’m feeling painful when baby moves or kicks. It feels like my inside tummy is bruised… anyone has the same experience?

Yes is normal.. I even had e feeling started when I’m 4 mths pregnant previously.. For third trimester, it more likely due to baby’s size now and there’s a limited space for baby to move around.. Just take a deep breathe in out when you feel pain, and talk to baby telling him/her be more gentle and explain because you’re in pain.. It works for my baby whenever I told her when she kicks too hard..
Read moreHi mummy, I'm only on my 26th week and my baby's kicks and punches are beginning to be painful... Especially near the bottom of my belly and around my ribcage area. I stroke my tummy when it happens to soothe him down.
At almost 38wks I can barely sleep at night.. No matter how I position myself, it hurts a lot. It like MMA match in my belly.
Yes because lacking of space and may also be braxton hicks.