week 32, baby too light
Hello mummies, i went for my appointment last week, doctor said that baby is only 1.6kg at 32 weeks.. is that normal? and what should i do to increase baby’s weight?

Eat more meat. That’s what Gynae told me when I asked. My first boy was born premature at 35 weeks with 2.1kg so I wanted to bump up the weight of my second. Just a personal choice though Gynae didn’t mention anything maybe cos I’m also small size. At 35 weeks, my second is 2.4kg.
did your gynae mention anything about baby being underweight? sometimes it can be genetics also (parent small size baby also small size) you can try to take more avocado, salmon, durian (high in fat stuff) or basically just eat more. 😋
Avocado, lots of protein and milk :) if you can tahan maternity milk, you could try that too (lots of samples or mummies selling, maybe try carousell to get it cheaper). Take care! :)
u have to increase ur protein. i chugged milk and ate alot of almonds and it did helped alot
my baby's weight was low too. I had two eggs everyday and frequent durians!
Eat avocado and durian
yeah durian works