Low baby’s weight
Hello! Just had my 32-week ultrasound scan and doctor said that baby is 1.5kg, which is small for her gestational age. Other mummies faced the same issue too? And did baby manage to catch up to be at least 2.5kg at birth? #pregnancy #32week

You still have time. Start drinking materna milk. That's how I made my fetus gained weight. Really helps! I will not go for durian though. Durian can be expensive especially if not in season and also not good if you have gestational diabetes so don't follow! Instead go for avocado shake. I don't like avocado at all so I drank materna milk only and I only drank once a day before bedtime but daily.
Read moreYou can add more proteins to your meals (eggs esp the yolk, nuts, chicken, fish etc). I was also told to drink the maternal milk 2-3 times daily. There’s still time, don’t worry about it. The bigger/heavier the baby, the harder it will be for you to deliver naturally too.
A lot of people recommend durian. But please don’t do so if u have gestational diabetes!!! And best to check with doctor on what can be done
my friend enjoys durian and avocado in the last few weeks and baby grows quiet a bit so don't worry yar
try to eat more Potato or durian it helps in baby weight gain
Eat proper meal , don't skip your meal ok