3 Replies

if you can, serach and do some prenatal yoga for 3rd trimester, do it daily to help open up your pelvic and engaged baby head down. Another suggestion is to do brisk walk for 30mins daily and let gravity does the work 😂 You may want to also drink some fresh coconut water to help soften the cervic and hydrate your body.

Hi! I’m 2cm dilated too!! Just curious when did you have real contractions & how long till your baby is out?

HAHAHA honestly i have no idea— ive tried everything to help speed up my labour like walking 30 mins everyday, curb walking, light exercises and even sex BUT nothing has worked for me and i gave up days later and just waited for my body to let me know when i was ready to give birth. for pushing time, in my experience, i didnt prepare for it but if it’s your first pregnancy i think its normal to take around an hour to push. the nurses and my husband really helped me A LOT with their prompts and encouragement during pushing.

Have sex (check with gynae)😅

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