Milk leak even after pump

Hello mummies, i pumped for 15 to 20 mins every 2 to 3 hours but why my left boobs still leak milk even after i stop? #1stimemom

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Super Mum

As in it leaks immediately after you finish pumping? Then perhaps you didn’t empty the breast fully during the pump. I usually press inwards towards the pump (go all around) to ensure I empty everything. I also wear a nursing pad in between pumping.

5y ago

I see understand now, sure i will now start with pumping 20 mins each side every 2 to 3 hours once. And yup i am using nursing pad too


1. could be you didn't clear properly. a pumping session would take about 20 to 30 min at least. 2. your child feeding time and you had let downs. it's pretty normal to leak milk initially till your milk stabilized.

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5y ago

Yup i did pump every 2 to 3 hours before feeding my son. Sure will follow you on IG, if i have any questions i will DM you. Thank you very much

VIP Member

I had milk leaks initially after pregnancy too. Especially when I hear baby cries. A good breast pad is necessary to soak up the leaks.

5y ago

hi! if u dont want to waste your leaking milk, can also consider milk collection shells! cause using nursing pads will throw away excess milk, can try check it out