Breakmilk smell like vomit

Hello mummies i pump exclusively for my lo who is 2 months plus. Just today as i was feeding her i smelt the breastmilk from the bottle and it smelt like vomit. I have followed the storage guidelines and the breastmilk are kept in her milk bottles in the fridge for at most 2 days. I tried smelling the other bottles that are kept in the fridge and they smelt ok. However, after i heated up the milk in the warmer the vomit smell appeared again. I tasted the milk and it does taste like vomit but it is not sour. Is the breastmilk ok? Is it ok for my lo to continue drinking the milk although it smells and taste like vomit?

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Your breastmilk might have a higher lipase hence the smell. The smell part is normal as it wasn’t freezed after expressed, however you mentioned that it taste like vomit so I would advise to use it for milk bath/keepsakes if you don’t wanna waste the milk.. I would rather not risk it. Best adviced to freeze after pumping, defrost the older (earlier) milk before every feed. If you are blessed with more supply, you may either combine the milk from the same day into one packet or pack it into your baby’s feeding portion. 😊 Do not refreeze thawed milk. 😊

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maybe check the flanges and valves