Is Mount Alvernia or Thomson medical better for delivery?

Hi mummies, I am new to this and am thinking of which hospital to go to for delivery. Anyone with previous experience with either of the hospital for their delivery? Could you please share your experience and costs? Thank you!

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Thomson awesome service, the nurses guide me thru on how to latch the baby when the LC wasn't around stay was great i highly recommend Thomson. I will be delivering my 2nd baby there next year. FYI, as above picture will be the latest price least I took 2 weeks ago

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I Delivered this year March at Thomson medical. The nurse there is very friendly and helpful. I’ve chosen c sect as my own will. And stay two bedded room for 2 nights. Total I’ve paid Cash about $6k+, Medisave $5k+. Hope it helps.

Super Mum

I’ve delivered twice at Thomson and I liked it because they respected my wishes and left me to labour the way I wanted to. Don’t have any experience with Mt Alvernia tho…