Infant care

Mummies i need some opinion. Do you guys send ur baby to IFC? If yes starting which month? And what is the pro n cons? Hearsay baby easily falls sick ah.. and what to ask when i go for school tour? Thinking to send my LO there when she is 4m (after ml ends) as no one can help us take care of her in the day. When we wfh then we wont send bb to ifc

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I did send my second child but not my first child. Mainly because waitlist was way too long and I don't wish to wait. So for first 2 years, my mother care for her. Then, the 3rd year she goes to KN. Meanwhile, for my second child I did send her to IFC because I wanted to work and have some additional side income. She was lucky to have a slot and I enroll her at 6 months old. I did had a one on one meet up with the P in the school and most of the questions were about daily routine like bath, feeding, playtime, sleeping, etc. And if there's any specific instructions for my child, I will alert the teachers/P specifically and double check with them that it has been done. Yes, most kids will fall sick, however for my LO she has been in the school for a month and she has for now not fall sick yet. But, we were advice to wear sleepsuit due to AC and fans turn on. All in all, if you are a working mum, please have your LO in IFC. So you will be able to do all the necessary while LO in school. This include when you WFH. Maybe half a day settle work, half a day to fetch your LO. This can be done and arranged. I realise that having LO in KN or IFC it helps you to do a lot of things like me time, chores, dating with husband, going out with friends, resting etc. Not because we are not responsible but we have to manage time. Nevertheless, a little downside will be IFC fees, daily necessities for your LO and rushing to send/fetch from school. Therefore you got to work that out properly.

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1y ago

Awww totally understand that. But, I always try to brush that away and pray it will all be good and smooth transition for you and LO. And putting your LO in IFC also will train them for routine like play, story time, nap, eat, bathing time. It helps you a lot.

Hi mummy, I was a Principal and can give you some info. Sadly the infection rate among babies is high because of their low immune system and the fact that they are all in a small environment for more than 10 hours a day. Honestly your baby might just attend school half the time because some centres are quite strict especially when they see babies with runny nose, etc. Maybe some things you can look out for is that the centre has cctv that covers every corner (except for the shower area), speak to the principal and get a sense on how she is, watch the interactions between teacher and child. You can ask them about wht they do when a disease spreads - their protocol. Best to find a well ventilated Centre with windows or opportunities for them to go outdoors often to build up their immune system. Also better to find a place close to home or close to emergency contacts in case your baby needs to be picked up in the middle of the day.

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My first one I sent at 2.5M (my back-up was giving birth too). Good thing was my baby became more “structured” and easy to sleep at night. I sooth my baby to sleep every night rocking him around his cot (with bad pain) while IFC train them to sleep in the cot (with occasional patting). Fall sick yes but the PD comforted me as well my boy by 5yo will be a stronger boy than those who stay home for entire 5Y because their immune system is “not trained”. Indeed he was sick a lot but now he does better than his cousins who never attended IFC and was breastfed longer. I am an analyst and does not want to lose my credibility multitasking/coping with a baby while I WFH (my husband earn less than me). It’s not the best for the baby but it is more sustainable. Do what you can afford.

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definitely will fall sick often ...we recommend u to hire a good domestic helper, cheaper than the ifc fees and won't fall sick that often. Each time baby falls sick, it's a stressful episode for the parents...sigh, gotta always take leave to take care of baby and anger the bosses at work

1y ago

gotta spend time to find...we took a few months to find a good helper too. There's no perfect helper, but as long as she has the heart for your child and is someone who is quite motherly, usually is ok. You can install webcams to help monitor

During our visits to the ifc, besides checking on the facilities and environment, I always asked about cctv and only took preference of those that installed them

1y ago

Some centres allow in the event of an accident, but you will need to pay a fee as they will need to hire a professional to blur out the other kids' faces.

if not working but wishes to send kid to IFC, will the IFC accept it as we will pay full fees and not eligible for subsidies?

1y ago

Yes you'll still get accepted. It depends on your household salary also, you might get additional subsidy if it's below a certain amount

Saw the article on kinderland.. abt the teachers abusing the children. Now I’m skeptical..😐😐

1y ago

Yessss 😢😢😢