Natural birth VS C-sect

Hi mummies, I am in week 35 and doctor is asking me to decide between natural birth and C-sec. She mentioned all is good except my baby's head is a little big, but still can try to go for natural birth. But she kind of emphasis that, many patients choose C-sec because they don't wish to change to emergency C-sec if there's anything during the process. And when we asked about her opinion on natural birth, she just mentioned can try, it's up up us. May I know other mummies who came through this before? How do you make a decision and decide? #firstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls

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Firstly, u nd to get ur gynae to convince u the chances of u having natural birth. As this is 50/50 case, u will oso nd to asked urself if ur ready to face any didlfficulties if there is any complications arise. Emergency czer is not a gd experience to go thru. I hv been there before. If ur gynae can convince u, u can stick to it. The decision is urs eventually.

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3y ago

I agree here also. I was not asked to decide, I wanted natural birth but my cervix was stuck at 6cm after 18hrs so I had to do emergency csect. Tbh I think my gynae preferred csect but she was ok wif my decision to try natural