9 Replies

Hi mummy! Congrats! Just to check with you, how much was your total bill & which ward are you staying in? Im currently going thru KKH subsidies route & would like to estimate the cost (did one at the website but i want to have a more accurate one) 😅

May I know how long did it take for you to receive the cheque after receiving the final bill hardcopy with a credit balance?

They will mail you the cheque. 😊 but if you are still worried , its better for u to call and check.

I gave birth Nov 2020 & they mail me the cheque wuite sometime after I received the final bill.

Hi i also have credit balance too , so they refund back as cheque or medisave?

Same here curious how much is the total bill if you don’t mind sharing

Super Mum

I believe they will send you a cheque but best to call and check

If I didn’t rmb wrongly they’ll mail a cheque back to you

VIP Member

usually they will send you a cheque

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