Hi mummies, honestly speaking I have not much female friends in life so I don't know who to ask. I am very scared of the contraction pain and labour pain. I WANT A PAIN FREE delivery from start till end, sorry to say I don't want to experience motherhood. As long as I can deliver my baby out safely, I am happy. So this is the reason I need to seek those who have undergone through Normal Delivery with Epidurals pls help me to answer some truthful experiences. THANK YOU!!!! Q1a) When can a pregnant mum start to ask for epidural to be administered?? In observation Ward while waiting for dilation?? Coz I also don't want to feel any slight to intense contractions. Q1b) From the moment she enters the hospital with mild contractions??? Or only when she has very intense contractions prior to actual labour??? Q2) Does epidural effect 100% NUMB the lower part of body UNTIL the FULL DELIVERY OF BABY??? Actually how effective or how long can it lasts till??? Q3a) How to lie down on your back flat if epidural is at your back??? Will not block the epidural from getting into your body??? Q3b) Is epidural considered an anesthesia??? Recently I only heard 2 mums said they ownself press a button to release epidural, how come is like that???? Not done by nurses or doc??? Q3c) Is there any MIN or MAX dosage of epidural can be used??? Q4a) Was there ANY SLIGHTEST PAIN felt when pushing of baby at the cervix & vagina if epidural has been used??? Coz I REALLY don't want to feel any pain when pushing. Q4b) And....also how to push the baby out if lower body is fully numb??? Or actually when pushing baby, there will be no or lesser epidural used??? Q5) Any anesthesia or numbing cream used before cutting the vagina and stitching back??? Or the epidural is actually still effective??? Any SLIGHTEST PAIN felt too???

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1) i ask for epidural when i am 3cm. it was too painful for me. it depend on the lvl of your pain tolerance. 2) yes, it last until the doc sew the cut. 3) you still can lie down flat without feeling, if you feel pain you can just press a thing for the epidural or ask the nurse to help you press 4) no pain when epidural kick in, you have to feel it in order to push the baby as there no contractions so you need to know when to push. the nurse and doc will guide you about it. 5) epidural will take out once doc sew it. you still can use it if you feel any pain when the cut or sew, just tell the nurse they will help.

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