How Much Milk Your Toddler Drinks A Day?
Hi mummies, how much milk your toddler drinks a day? My son still loves his MILK first thing in the morning with no sign of this ending anytime soon! 🥛🍼

My daughter, 1 year old still drinking formula milk. Drink 5 - 7 times per day. Currently consuming Pediasure and Grow (Stage 3) I gave her Pediasure not more than 3 times per day because Pediasure is like a food replacement since she's not eating well and she's a very fussy eater. Other than that... I gave her Grow.
Read moreHow old is your son? My son 20 months. He drinks milk around 800 milk per day. Does he eat a lot?
14 months drinking bm day time taking 180ml x 3 + 2 meals. Night time nurse 4x.
Mine going to 9 months..she drink 600-700ml per day , 4 to 5 feed
Turning 3 years old in 2 months. Drink 2 to 3 times of 200ml.
500ml a day is enough for the growth for a toddler.
Then don’t stop Lol I let mine continue drinking
Mine 15 months old drank 210ml 3 to 4 times a day
250 a day for my eldest and 480 to my youngest
breast milk or formulas or cow milk you asked?