7 Replies

I follow baby’s acceptance (can be from few seconds to few mins), i will stop if she cries then try again later. I do TT since day 1 (either on bed or on me). But I started out with putting a pillow under her chest as support. No fixed or standard timings as to how long each session should be, solely based on baby. Anyways dont stress yourself too much over TT, I’ve never done TT but my neck can swing hoolahoop too 😂.

Tummy time shouldn't be too long at all. As they are still trynna learn to lift up their head and strengthening their neck, etc. So it should be atleast once or twice a day and for short period. However it is normal they cry as they are uncomfortable. But when you lift them up and put on your shoulder they tend to move or lift the head. I did tummy time for my kids at 3/4 months onwards. Most of the time shoulder rest.

my baby girl also cry murder when tummy time with no support. I roll my blanket , place it under her chest and distract her with toys that has sound, and get her to look up. last quite a while. then she cry. or I will place her on me and I will just keep talking to her singing to her. Best to do it in the morning cause lots of sleep. make sure to change nappy and feed. make Baby happy they will co-operate with u.

I don't set a routine for tt for all of my kid too. they do it themselves after they learnt to flip over. their development milestone all no issue too. but if you ask how long for tt, 15mins is enough each time. don't just flip bb on tummy and expect it to handle it like a pro la.. u can talk or make sound to attract your bb to lift its head up looking at you.

No strict rules on this lah. Come on, baby is still so young, u think army meh 🤣 My baby started to do TT during playtime when she’s about 3 months old. Rolling at 4 months. No problem! If TT on the floor is too uncomfortable, can do it on your lap, or you can carry him in football hold position too. Chill

I think it's okay lah. Only said in a cheeky way, why so uptight?

hi all mummies can i check how to teach baby to crawl n sit up from lying down. my baby is 10month plus but still dont know how to crawl n sit up from lyning down

I didn do tummy time when I was a baby but I turned out fine.lol

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