KKH Delivery
Hello mummies! Have anyone gave birth in KKH recently? I'm a FTM and currently at 16 weeks and 3 days. I'm under subsidy with KKH and i'm wondering when are we suppose to book for delivery room? Do KKH have lactation consultant after birth? Any deposit to fork out? Currently financially unstable due to the pandamic hence i want to start saving up early if there's any deposit required. Do share your experience please! #pleasehelp #firstbaby #1stimemom #advicepls #pregnancy

If youre like me, needs to be induced, then needs deposit upfront during registration depending on the rooms u choose. For me i took b2+ so need to deposit $110. For c class, there will be no deposit :) Then they will wheeled u in to the monitoring ward. If is those waterbag burst alr can go up to level 2 straight. For my firstborn theres lactation consultant that came to ask and help me out. Teach me how to massage and properly latch my baby. Even gave me a booklet to read and note down the duration and hrs apart of my babies feed. Also bills will be billed to you later to your home. So you dont have to worry much upon discharge. Most times no payment is needed and might be refunded. Like my firstborn. My secondborn i got to fork out about $200 after all the medisave deductions. Dont worry, if there's no complications, everything will be okay. Just focus on being well ok? Payments after that u can do it slowly or call them up for assistance if theres a need to. Also u can apply assistance with a social officer at the hospital. Explain your financial issues and they will help out with your bills after. Like my friend:)
Read moreHello! Just go to the delivery suite at level 2, there they will help you out with the admissions form. You can choose which kind of class you’ll want. Either class, there will be a lactation consultant to help you out. Even the nurses there are trained in helping with the nursing. If you choose to be in class C, there will be no deposit required, and everything can be deducted via mediasave. Don’t worry, and congratulations on your pregnancy, all the best to you! 😘💗
Read morehi. u under subsidy right? no need to book delivery room. when you going to give birth you just go to delivery suite at level 2. they will do the admission and send you to the labor room to monitor and give birth... no need to pay anything... everything will deduct by medisave. I give birth 4 times in kkh under subsidy, latest was dec 2020
Read moreDelivery room booking only when you are cleared by gynae for delivery (if induce or c sect) or when you are already in labour. LC will do rounds at the ward to help all new mums. No need to top up
so no need to top up any cash / deposit during admission? everything can be deducted through medisave?
no need to book delivery room but need to pay some deposit depending on your financial situation. You can check with the admission side for more information
I am under subsidy with KKH. My husband was asked to give a deposit of $750 during admission. I gave birth on July 21.
suggest you check with the admission department to confirm if you need to book or pay any deposit