Do you have more pimples when you are having a boy compared to having a girl?
Hi mummies! For my first pregnancy, I don’t have much pimples and skin was clear and glowing. And that was when I had a baby girl. Right now in my second pregnancy, I’ve pimples popping up now and then. This is something I never experience in first pregnancy. Im wondering if there are mummies who experience more pimples when having a baby boy as compared to having baby girl? :)

Im a acne prone i will get have break out easily especially my chin area.! After i got pregnant my face clear pimple free so happy i did not have to do anything with my face . I was pregnant with baby girl. Aftr 3 months pp its back to normal hormones.. i kinda miss my clear face during pregnancy. But now im 8 months pp its under control
Read moreI don’t recall my acne conditions when I was pregnant with my boy but now with my girl my skin is clear (used to have chin outbreak before my menses). In general I look better than when I was pregnant with my boy (my face just seems to swell 😅)
i think if ur symptoms during first pregnancy n 2nd is diff probably cos the gender is diff. my skin is clear when i hv my girl n now not so clear with boy lol. and my fren is the other way round
Haha so interesting leh! My skin also clear with my girl now I dunno Isit boy (a lot of pimples). I dun even have pimples even when I had my period. I can’t wait to know the gender HHaha
I didnt know pregnancy was all it takes to have a clear skin😂😂 im expecting a boy. I think it doesnt matter which gender, its our hormone
Hahh I see my friends who had boys had a lot of pimples or even acnes so just curious haha. Since now I still dunno gender
nope my skin was very clear for both boys. but symptoms are very very different for both pregnancies. so likely just a myth
My face was ok when i was hving my ger. But seems on off my face has pimples (now hving a boy).. ahahah..
my skin was better with my boy, now with my girl it's popping all over and dry.
Myth. No such thing…