9 Replies

It's hard to control my emotions now. I used to be sensitive, and now super sensitive. I once cried in front of my nieces because my sister scolded her 5 year old and it was embarrassing. I think that it's okay to cry, but it's important to keep your mind calm and reduce stresses. When I cry I feel much better, so I believe that it's better to cry when you feel sad than controlling your emotions.

i guess is normal. i had very haywire emotions during my 1st tri. 2nd was all good. till at my 3rd it started again. can be sensitivity at times. 😁 as i have 2 cats as well they r more clingy cause their feeling knows baby is coming soon. i get easily irritated from the cats and will cried badly. after cried emotional back normal. ✌️

It’s normal. I didn’t cry during pregnancy but the first few weeks pp I kept crying. I don’t know why I was crying but I know I felt better afterwards. Just a heads up for you. 😊

Now I’m second tri, been crying a lot too. I think it’s better if we feel our emotions and cry it out instead of denying and suppressing it. Crying is healing too. x

Agree! Better than keeping inside later depressed 🙊 jiayou too mama!!

To be frank i cried after every visit to gynae from first trim onwards. Had a tear, then had low fluid, and then diabetes. Its ok.. my baby is alr 9mths old!

it's ok.. I've had a few crying episodes too. it's hard to control our emotions.. baby will be fine.

Thank you! It’s just like uncontrollably emotional over small things 🥲

Very normal. I was depressed before being pregnant and during pregnancy it got worse. Now baby is out even worse

I hope things get better!! Hope this community will be a good support system 🥰

it is normal and if it helps you feel better, why not? but perhaps don't lean on it too much. ❤

Haha can’t control! yes it just comes randomly but will ensure not often 😊

Me too. It’s normal. Let it out

Hope you feel better soon ❤️

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