Fetal Doppler
Hi mummies, Is anyone using a Doppler? I bought one from shopee when I was 8 weeks pregnant. Now I’m close to 17 weeks but the Doppler still doesn’t work for me and I can’t find the right heartbeat. Is Doppler really useful?

Yes I bought, only worked for me after week 18. Last night couldn’t find the heart beat but baby was moving a few minutes later and the whole of today. It’s not very sensitive as compared to your gynae’s so don’t over worry if you can’t find the heartbeat yet.
Been using doppler since 13 weeks. At first, it’s not easy to find the position. At 17-18 weeks your baby is still small and is on the pelvis. Try checking just above the pubic area along the pelvic/hip bone.
Didnt work for me.. Last tried at 22 weeks still couldnt find the right heartbeat. Saw somewhere online doppler isnt really good for baby not so sure but i stopped using
fetal doppler didn't work for me either. and the seller, didn't even send me the gel.. so much headache trying to get it to work, I gave up
Fetal doppler didn’t work for me either!