Mummies, anyone does the 开奶 massage ceremony for your breast after giving birth? Want to know is it worth it. Because for my #1, i have less milk. Within a month stop. So im thinking of bf-ing my #2 when he is born. So im also at the same time scare i maybe low supply and waste the money to do 开奶 massage.. Thanks in advance(:

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I also believe that demand = supply. My LO is 18 weeks and I'm still giving breast milk but after my maternity leave, I pump instead of latching on weekdays, and only latch on weekends. What I'm saying is, latch on regularly for the start. After the first week, if you want to increase milk supply, remember to pump to empty your breast of milk after each BF session. This will tell the factories to produce more milk. Eat healthy and drink lots of water. I take oat meal with fruits every morning up till now and also supplements like multivits and fenugreek. To be honest I don't believe there's a need to pay for massage. Even if you did the massage but is not hardworking to latch or pump often, your supply will not be much. But it's no harm to go for it if you have extra cash...

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