Fever with other symptoms

Hi mummies, anyone child around 1yo-3yo kene before rotavirus or symptoms of rotavirus but at the same times u feel like is not rotavirus but UTI? Because Rotavirus don't have back abdominal pain at the side If UTI yes. I have history of UTI anyone feel that is it genetic that is will pass down to my child? Brought my child to kidklinik doctor say is stomach flu but his symptoms is more then that. Told doc what symptoms he have she ignore me. 😒 tml going back there again and tell her same things and See what she say. Before tml anyone have any advice / help/ solution ? He is finally starting to eat tiny bit without vomit. Ate his favorite potato chips without vomit.

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Perhaps seek another doctor option like NUH UCC or KKH to advice. You should look up on the symptoms of rotavirus. Most of the time fever and diarrhoea.

9mo ago

Yeah, see the same common answer. Just have to hope baby recover fast 😫🥹🫂