4 Replies

hi mommy im diabetic for my 2nd pregnancy. but im only put on insulin and metformin. i have to admit in SG theyre really strict w diabetes, whatmore diabetes in pregnancy. im put at a high risk pregnancy clinic and every week the nurse will contact me to ask for my sugar readings. ive come to a point where im really dreading it. my hba1c is 6.7, better thn my 1st pregnancy. but to them, still not good enough. every check up i feel useless. because my readings are never food enough for them. they really2 want my pre readings to be around 4-5 and post readings to be 5-7 that sometimes i dont even feel like eating. everyday alrdy have to jab insulin thn like they also super strict w the readings. address to your gynae and talk to them. they only want best for your baby. i totally get that but sometimes i really hate the pressure. dont google too much, dont think too much. just continue to do your best to keep a healthy diet and do walks if your gynae gives green light. theyre always more strict when it comes to diabetic pregnancy so dont let that affect you okay.

up till now at 34 weeks pregnant. 7x a day. sometimes i give once a week. they wanted more readings but i told them ill give what i can. minimum 2 readings i try. its not easy for me to commit to giving readings when im caring for toddler full time. i tend to forget to prick on time thn the timing all over the place. i always remind the doctor ill give them to the best of my ability but i cannot promise them alot of readings every visit.

I thought 6.8 is not too bad? I have type II diabetes prior to pregnancy, but I am in early pregnancy so cannot advice much. But I think you could try adjusting your diet? I usually have one meal a day that is carbs free, but more protein and vege. Another two meals, less carbs but still more protein and vege. I end up spending more. For e.g. i will buy 2 vege, 1 egg, 1 meat but little little rice when i order cai fan. More ex, but worth it cause glucose levels can be controlled well. I think you should also talk to your gynae about your condition. Gynae will be able to advise you on how diabetic mummies can better control and support the pregnancy. Dont worry too much, though i know you definitely will. Diabetic pregnancy has risks, but risks means there is still chance for a healthy baby. Hope it’ll go smoothly for you… rooting for you, fellow diabetic mummy! ❤️

Hba1c below 6.5 is ideal. So you are not too far off. My doctor and gynae keeps reminding to keep below 6.5. And that’s how I motivate myself with the adjustment of diet and just spend a bit more on food. No choice, cause I want to keep control of the glucose levels and make sure I have a healthy baby. My mother has type 1 diabetes and gave birth to me. I was an overdue baby and with her diabetes, i was born at 3995g. Almost 4kg baby. I didn’t get diabetes from her. Throughout my younger days, I’ve always been healthy. It is only because I dont exercise and grew fat that I developed type II diabetes. But other than that, I dont have any other issues. So I strongly believe it is possible for mummies who have existing diabetic condition prior to pregnancy to still have healthy babies. 😊

Dont be depressed. My gynae found out i had high amount of sugar in my urine at wk 20 n ordered me to go for glucose test earlier. Much as he had expected, i probably had diabetes then which i didnt know. Immediately he referred me to endocrine to control my diet. I was initially very down and upset.. even after i had delivered n mths down the road whr he did another test n confirmed i am diabetic, i was abit worried and upset. Even told him i dont want to harm another life again coz i am afraid to pass to my baby. But he is also right coz he said i alr have it before that, no diff! Anyway, control your diet can liao n dun tink so much. My baby came out ok! And natural birth :)

I feel you! Coz i went thru this too. Like life is so…. Cham.. haha! Jiayou!!

VIP Member

Heyyy.. don’t be so hard on yourself. *hugs* I’m not diabetic but was eventually diagnosed with borderline GDM on my 20wks pregnancy. Best to listen to your gynae coz he knows better.. filter all the negativity. Have faith. Control your diet & really take your weekly glucose reading helps too. Make try be more active by brisk walking or swimming.

thanks babe~ yes will try to be more positive.. will control my diet hopefully all will be good. has just start on insulin tonight. hopefully my glucose will be good!

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