Hi momma, hmm i only started sending my little champ when he was 4 yrs so am not sure if there is need to after all, baby's teeth will fall and grow back again. However, ive read that there are some dentist take specializes in treatment for babies. You can check this out here. https://www.specialistdentalgroup.com/speciality/paedodontics/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwub-HBhCyARIsAPctr7yG-tNgzg0Ab8xrcUBl-8VPm9f731DuGE-3adt7QRZJnvRcmDB2o0QaAjC7EALw_wcB
In the west, Iβd recommend Dr Felicia at Trust Dental at Jurong West! π